Edmond Office

Spine pain, chronic pain, back pain specialists

lawton clinic

Edmond Office
Welcome to Oklahoma’s most comprehensive medical practice focused on treating chronic pain!
At Spine & Pain Care of Oklahoma we care about managing your pain and improving your quality of life. We offer many different services to control your pain, improve function, and obtain better health.
We Specialize in Treating:​
Chronic Back and Leg Pain
Herniated or Bulging Discs
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD, Causalgia)
Chronic Back, Neck, Shoulder or Arm Pain
Compressed Spinal Fractures
Spinal Stenosis
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Joint Pain
Regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy

Have a Question?
Please call our office at 405-840-5100
Edmond Office
508 W. 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013
P: (405) 840-5100
Fax: (405)840-5102
Lawton Office
Edward Shadid, MD
5109 W. Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73505
P: (580) 699-2495
Fax: (405)840-5102